Here we are. This place is pretty awesome. Check out their website. http://stringtown.us/ There is an amazing story about this family. Actually there is a link to the right- Stringtown. Check it out. If you go to the web site they have a 3 minute video with the music we heard and all the pictures that were displayed. It is really good. It would be awesome to be able to do what this family has done.
I only got a picture of Mary and Kelsee on the train. She is listening very carefully to the instructions. Jordan was behind Mary and Andre was in front of me and I could not get him to turn around.

Here we are at the NORTH POLE!!

There was this huge display around the room and a train was going all around. It was sweet.She had the cutest look on her face. Her hand is on his shoulder. I just love little kids reactions to Santa. I know I get excited when I see a good Santa.
After talking to Santa you got a bell just like in the Polar Express. If it had been busy we would have waiting in this big garage and watched the Polar Express while we waited for our turn but we went right to the train.
Andre was cute he asked for that "Blaster Nerf Gun" I hope Santa was listening.
Jordan was funny, he said "I'm not going first". He didn't even sit on his lap just sort of stood there. I could not hear what he told Santa he wanted.
There we are with Santa
Santa told the story of the symbols of Christmas, he started with the candy cane and asked what does it represent. The kids said the shephards staff. Then he turned the candy cane upside down and said what is this? It was a J and he said remember Jesus. And then he talked about the stars, the color red, the green trees and the bell. The kids seemed pretty interested still at this point.
Kelsee ringing her bell.
Santa singing jingle bells with the kids.
After Santa was done singing he told the kids they would get another present at the end of the train ride and to look at the pictures and listen to the music and they will get a present in their heart. I know I felt it, not sure if the kids did.The music started and the train took off and we saw some really neat pictures. First the star in the fields.
This was the stable.
I love this picture.
We sometimes forget that Jesus was a little boy and he must have been a joy to his mother.

This is only a portion of the photos along the train ride. There were so many and we were going quick enough that I could not get all of them. They were so pretty.

This activity would have been more beautiful in the dark. There were lights everywhere and all this pictures would have been all lit up. The music that was playing was really pretty. It has been soo cold here and the night we had tickets ended up the night Kelsee had her dance performance. Oh well, I enjoyed the little time I got to be with the kids and these pictures were awesome.
So, when we were all done Kelsee says "that was boring". So much for that activity!!

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